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Press Check1

Challenge yourself EVERY Saturday morning for FREE?

In 20-minutes or less test your fitness level, mental toughness, and cognitive abilities under stress. A FREE weekly event that combines shooting with physical and cognitive challenges.

What is a PRESS CHECK?

A press check refers to the process of confirming the condition of your firearm. Is it loaded, chambered, etc.? We are using the term as a way to check your current condition, mental and physical readiness, to enter the world.

Follow us social media to see what challenge we’re on for the week.

No Registration

NO egos

NO complaining

NO Excuses

Train hard & Train often

Strength Challenge

  • On the signal, move from the 30-yard line to the 15-yard line draw & fire one round on target after completing the challenge listed below.
    • If you miss, holster your handgun, run to the back cone, then back to the firing line, and fire one round. Repeat until you hit the target.
    • Time starts with the shooter at the 30-yard line, handgun made ready, and gun in the holster. Time ends when the shooter returns from the final shot and crosses the 30-yard line.
    • 1 HANDGUN
    • 18 – 20 # vest
    • Personal protective equipment for shooting
215 YDSBear Crawl from the 15 yd to the 30, then back1
325Back Bicycle (count on the left foot full extension)1
615YDSBear Crawl from the 15 yd to the 30, then back1
725Back Bicycles (count on the left foot full extension)1
1015 YDSBear Crawl from the 15 yd to the 30, then back1
1125BACK Bicycles (count left foot full extension)1
Strength press check

Endurance Challenge

  • Range: 47 Yard
  • Time:
  • Target IPSIC – Paper
  • Set-up
    • Paper target per shooter
    • Cone at 17 yards
    • Cone at 37 yards
    • Cone at 47 yards
  • Load
    • 6 rounds in a handgun
    • 6 rounds in a rifle
    • 1 rifle non-magnum
    • 6 rifle rounds
    • 1 handgun
    • 6 handgun rounds
    • 1 vest that weights 18 – 20 #
    • 1 non-serpa holster that will secure your handgun outside your waistband while you run and jump. 
  • Course
    • Start at the 47-yard line with a holstered handgun made ready and a rifle staged at the 17-yard line with 6 rounds in the rifle.
      • A total of 12 rounds will be fired. 6 in the large A zone and 6 in the small A zone. It will be up to the shooter to count the rounds, when, and what weapons system they choose to engage each zone.
      • NO ARTIFICIAL REST MAY BE USED, ie. you may not rest on the barrel or use a by pod. A sling is acceptable.
      • See penalties for misses and qualifiers. 
    • Time starts and ends at the 47-yard line.
    • START: 10 push-ups, move to the 17-yard line, fire one round from the 17-yard line. Return to the 47-yard line, retrieve your skill card, and return to the 37-yard line. Complete the cognitive skill and check your answer with your timekeeper. If you are wrong, you must write the correct answer at the 37-yard line and return.
      • This repeats for all 12 rounds.
    • Movement at the 47-yard line
      • 10 Push-ups
      • 10 Mt. Climbers
      • 10 Burpees
      • 10 Overhead tires (Tire flat on the ground then over your head for a count of 1)
      • 2 Min plank (This may be broken into sections)
      • 10 Air Squats
      • 15 Push-ups
      • 15 Mt. Climbers
      • 15 Burpees
      • 15 Overhead tires (Tire flat on the ground then over your head for a count of 1)
      • 2 Min plank (This may be broken into sections)
      • 15 Air squats

Cardio Challenge

  • Complete 10 push-ups on the signal, then move to the first firing point. Once the target is hit, move to the next firing point. Your time stops on your hit on the 6th target.
    • Penalty: 10 push-ups for each mis before you make another attempt.
    • Alibis – after 5 attempts at a target, you move on to the next target
    • 1 Rifle that is capable of shooting 100 yards (No magnums)
    • 6 to 30 rounds
    • 18-20 # vest
Cardio press check

Two tracks

Cold track – October 1st to March 31st
Hot track – April 1st to September 30th


Register and attend all three events 2 times within 9 weeks and receive a free water bottle.

Bring a friend and receive a free water bottle with TWO 17% off coupons for future use.

Improve your COLD or WARM scores by 25% and receive a free Cross Valley Shirt.

Receive 3 qualifying scores in either a COLD or WARM track and receive a challenge coin, with a seasonal Cross Valley package valued at over $100

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